• It is a process, a journey, and an adventure!
• It is going to take Jack time to adjust to the “Kindergarten way,” but he WILL adjust
• Having a 1:1 is a GODSEND…actually…HIS 1:1 is a godsend
• If you don’t have a proactive team, everything will fall apart in an instant
• Jack is considered one of the gang already…he has friends…lots of them. ;)
• We’ll have good days and bad days, and that is just part of the process.
• Inclusion can work with the right supports.

On the first day of school, I got a note from Jack’s 1:1…this is what it said:
“Dear Mr. and Mrs. Clark,
Here are a few highlights about Jack’s first day of Kindergarten:
• Jack and a friend took the attendance to the office.
• The students made “First Day of School” hats
• At recess, Connor pulled Jack (in the red wagon) all around the blacktop.
• Jack’s reading buddy is a second grader, Ted. They read a book together, Three Billy Goats Gruff. It was so cute, Jack would tell Ted to “Turn the page.”
• So much more fun!
I’ll try to write each day so you can talk with Jack about his day. Thank you for the honor of helping in your son’s class.”
“Dear Mr. and Mrs. Clark,
Here are a few highlights about Jack’s first day of Kindergarten:
• Jack and a friend took the attendance to the office.
• The students made “First Day of School” hats
• At recess, Connor pulled Jack (in the red wagon) all around the blacktop.
• Jack’s reading buddy is a second grader, Ted. They read a book together, Three Billy Goats Gruff. It was so cute, Jack would tell Ted to “Turn the page.”
• So much more fun!
I’ll try to write each day so you can talk with Jack about his day. Thank you for the honor of helping in your son’s class.”
“Picture Day! Jack was awesome. He walked in line all the way!”
“At snack recess, several Room 2 friends came up to say hi to Jack.. Jacklyn, Declan…Hannah also came to our tables to eat with Jack”
“Isabella’s mom came in to help the students make pancakes. Jack waited for his turn very nicely. ☺”